This ASME Section lll, Class 2 and 3 pump is designed for chemical and volume control system charge service with boiling water reactors (BWR), pressurized water reactors (PWR), and pressurized heavy-water reactors (PHWR).
Features- Precision Cast Diffusers Minimize Bearing Spans, Thereby Increasing Pump Reliability And Efficiency.
- Suction And Discharge Connections Are Located On The Top Of The Barrel And May Be Supplied With Flanged Or Weld End Design To Suit Installation Requirements.
- Forged And Hardened Stainless Steel Balance Drum Is Generously Sized To Completely Unload The Thrust Bearing At All Operating Points.
- Self-Aligning, Double-Acting Tilt-Pad Thrust Bearings Are Conservatively Rated To Carry Axial Loads That May Be Encountered During Transient Operating Conditions.
- Precision Cast Tandem Impellers Are Positively Locked And Keyed To The Shaft.
- Serrated And Hard Faced Impeller Running Fits Reduce The Effects Of Rotor Contact During System Upsets Or Turning Gear Operation.