InnovativeField Organizer - Device Management System

Brand: Azbil North America, Inc

InnovativeField Organizer (IFO) is a device management system. Using IFO, azbil DCS users can achieve dramatically more efficient instrument maintenance work.

IFO communicates with field devices using HART or FOUNDATION fieldbus, allowing it to provide solutions using diagnostic and maintenance information from intelligent devices.

IFO provides solutions throughout the plant lifecycle.
  • Safe and easy installation using existing azbil DCS (Advanced-PS/TDCS3000, Harmonas-DEO):
    • Replacement only of base unit IO module with HART-compatible module
    • No need to upgrade DCS system or change software
  • Solution for HART's weak point, slow communication
    • Online trend diagnostics with high-speed communications
    • At HART's full speed of 1200 bps, high-speed communication almost equal to that of FOUNDATION fieldbus is achieved
  • Configuration and calibration of devices from multiple vendors
    • Users can configure and calibrate field devices from multiple vendors using IFO.
  • Control valve maintenance assistance using powerful valve diagnostics
    • Users can detect control valve abnormalities and use predictive maintenance to find problems before they disrupt plant operation.
  • More efficient checking and testing work before plant startup
    • IFO assists speedy plant startup by automating loop checks and CV step response tests.
  • Condition-based maintenance
    • IFO monitors the status of field devices 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
    • If any abnormality is detected, it alerts maintenance staff and operators so that they can take prompt action.
    • By allowing condition-based maintenance, IFO helps to prevent shutdowns caused by device abnormalities.
  • Minimization of disassembly inspection cost for control valves during SDM (Shutdown Maintenance)
    • Valve maintenance tends to be excessive, but maintenance costs can be minimized by determining which valves require disassembly inspection based on their level of deterioration.

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